Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Don't-Buy List

Note: The links below have all been cautioned per Section B, Article 5 for failure to respect personal space in condoning advertisements which play unprompted. Submissions of sites for addition to this list may be sent to dontgetcarded att gmail dott com. Click at your discretion.

- ESPN | Despite the fact that I visit daily, I've never been able to stomach the constant ads for its store.

- | True: If I visit, then I might be interested a Snuggie. False: I want everyone in the office to know that I want a Snuggie.

- MasterCard and Prilosec OTC | I was trying to watch some cool MonsterQuest videos at, because something strange is lurking in the woods of the Pacific Northwest. But I'm pretty sure it's neither a 8.99% interest rate, nor frequent heartburn.

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