Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Afternoon Yellow | 11.25 - Shrimp on a Treadmill

Okay, people. Get over here. Everyone involved with the "Shrimp on a Treadmill" thing is getting a card for time wasting.

David Scholnick, a biologist from Pacific University,
invented the shrimp treadmill to test activity levels of shrimp. Treadmills and shrimp, of course, are both found at the bottom of our oceans.

But his research was a little... how do you say... dull. Thankfully, the legions of YouTube are always ready to help. Now, among many outstanding choices, you've got the always-a-classic Benny Hill theme song:

No shortage of Ok Go shrimp jokes:

And let's not forget the William Tell Overture:

Alright, remix, bring us home:

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