Advertising is a part of life. We accept this to some degree, but most of us also agree that a line must be drawn. We have a Do Not Call Registry. We indict people for sending us spam. Even Google, for which ad revenue is a lifeblood, offers a pop up ad-blocker in its Google Toolbar. Advertising is fine so long as it respects our personal space.

Hmmm... I was trying to watch some cool MonsterQuest videos.
Does a World MasterCard seem to you even remotely as cool as Bigfoot?
Ensuring personal space is codified in Section B, Article 5 of the Laws for a Better World, and if we consider pop-up ads to be uncouth for such reason, then so, I would argue, should we consider video and audio advertisements which play unprompted. Thus, I give you: The Don't-Buy List.
Please make note of this list from time to time, and consider it a public service to refuse patronage of those listed there. These individuals and institutions have assaulted our eyes and ears with their rouge mind-washing; refuse their goods and we might perhaps sway them from utilizing such un-asked-for methods of marketing; or the list will grow so long and our dedication so firm that we won't allow ourselves to buy anything from anywhere ever again.
Success and defeat have been defined. Let us strive for success.
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