Monday, December 15, 2008

Afternoon Yellow | 12.15

If you ask me, I think they're only letting Hugh Jackman host the Oscars because Australia went down under at the box office.

- Geekologie has posted a recipe for meat cake, a disturbing rendition of hamburger, ketchup, and mashed potatoes. But unlike the turbaconducken, I would never come within a fork-length of a meat cake.

- From The New Atlantic, courtesy of Yglesias, it seems almost half of the male population would lie about reading habits to impress a woman, while a third of women fictionalize their own book list bios. And somehow Nelson Mandela got dragged into this.

- Lastly, a follow-up (the first of many?) on why Friday's news of 'triple threat' Hugh Jackman
hosting the Oscars won immediate Yellow:

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