Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Now Accepting Submissions!

Good news, folks!

Not only is YC|RC the proud owner of www.dontgetcarded.com, but now you can recommend a card by writing to
dontgetcarded att gmail dott com. Here's how to do it:

Step 1: Observe an individual or entity in violation of the Yellow Card, Red Card Laws for a Better World.

Step 2: Gather evidence of the infraction. Evidence can be submitted as a photo, video, audio recording, screen shot, or link.

Step 3: Email a witty quip along with your evidence to the address above.

Step 4: Check www.dontgetcarded.com to see if I've read my email.

If you submit often enough and I like the cut of your jib, I might even make you an official YC|RC referee! Or, I'll ask you why you have so much free time.

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