- The White House, which recently sent out invitations to its annual Hanukkah party... featuring the image of a Christmas tree. Skeptical? Look closer.
As the NY Post reports, "No, it is not a Hanukkah bush. A close look at the wagon reveals the message "White House Christmas Tree 2008."
I know. It's shocking to see such obvious oversight coming from our halls of power. Fortunately, it's only for another three months. Cautioned per Art. BI-7 for letting the interns make the cards.
- HassleMe.co.uk offers its users an invaluable service: automated personalized hassling. Because nothing motivates like a note you wrote a few days ago and had emailed to yourself at pre-set intervals by a website that displays your personal reminder to the world. That's right, your personalized self-hassling message can be set to display to anyone who cares to read it. Like this one, noticed by Mint:
Mint observes: "I don't care if you've been married for thirty years, if you need an e-mail service to remind you to kiss your wife roughly every five days I think you need help beyond what the HassleMe service is set up to provide." Cautioned per Art. B1-1 for a questionable lack of smooches.
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