- PETA has devised a plan to rid the world of its nasty fish-eating habit: refer to fish as 'sea kittens'. To quote the sea kittens campaign coordinator Ashley Byrne, "Knowing that the fish sticks in the school cafeteria are really made out of tortured sea kittens makes most kids want to lose their lunch." Doesn't that imply a non-tortured sea kitten would make a perfectly delicious lunch? Hmm... I'll bet this terrible idea lasts as long as it takes one confused 5-year-old to drop a land kitten into an aquarium. PETA cautioned per Sec. B-1 for treating people like they're complete idiots.
- The European Council in Brussels is preparing to hand off the rotating European Union presidency to the Czech Republic, but Europe was more that a little taken aback to see how the Czechs apparently decided to decorate the office... with European stereotypes. Big ones, too. Literally. Like, 200 square feet of stereotypes mounted to the building's exterior.
Guess that's what happens when you commission 'the enfant terrible of the Czech art world' to decorate your presidency. His 'terrible'-ness David Cerny has responded, "we wanted to find out if Europe is able to laugh at itself." I dunno about Europe, but America is definitely laughing. European Union cautioned per Sec. B-1 and 7 for not reading the contract more carefully.
- And then there's Ryan Seacrest, who tried to high-five a blind guy on American Idol:
Ryan Seacrest cautioned per Sec B-7 for being that guy.
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