Saturday, January 31, 2009

High vs. High-Fat Fashion; or, Two Images You Never Thought You'd See Side-by-Side

'Paul Blart: Mall Cop' has been the number one movie at the box office for two consecutive weeks, and now there's even talk of a sequel. I don't think anybody saw that one coming, but, like Kevin James riding a Segway, these yellow cards you probably saw from a mile away.

- Aretha Franklin's singular inaugural accessory — her bow-tied hat — has become the subject of much chatter. Personally, I was a big fan of NY Mag's dismissal of its critics:
We can totally see Aretha ... decide a giant, stiff, crystal-embellished bow would be just the thing for the ceremony. Go big or go home! And would you have wanted Aretha to go home? Of course not!
However, the Smithsonian museum is apparently prepared to offer the Queen of Soul's hat a permanent place in America's heart. While the hat is certainly an American original, methinks our national curators are just grasping at free publicity. Maybe I'm just cynical. Or, have they tried pop culture stunts like this before? Smithsonian cautioned per Sec B-5. If the Queen wants to give you her crown, she'll offer it to you.

Left, Aretha Franklin's much-talked-about hat. Right, a bacon bra.
My apologies for the juxtaposition.

- In incredibly unrelated news, Geeokolgie is showing off a pair of prosciutto-wrapped melons, and in the process come shamelessly close to proving there is absolutely nothing the internet won't do with bacon. Geekologie cautioned per Sec. B-7 for all but assuring us of next week's porky meme, Bacon Thong Guy. And then you'll wish they hadn't.

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