Your website has been infected by hundreds or perhaps thousands of invisible, floating words of pain. Specifically, maladies like "hypermobility syndrome" and "back pain," which are just a few of the search terms that might bring you to the webpage, only... those words don't appear listed anywhere on your page. Or, do they?

YCRC in no way wishes to convey that Dr. Greisberg, Dr. Gundel, and Dr. Gupta in any way condone or are responsible for this half-baked meta-tagging scheme.
Oh, the words are listed. They're just hidden. All searchable, typed in a font color the same color as the page. So, even if you don't see listed the specific injury you're suffering you might just pick one of the specialists at to treat it.
By the way,, there are better ways to index search terms. You might want to look into one. Or perhaps just ask you doctors to list more of their own specialties, instead of hiding the words "automobile accident" somewhere on the page.
YCRC cautioned for a questionable programming tactic.