This yellow card is issued with full knowledge that, upon demand, it may be upgraded to red. Seriously, Shia, this is some questionable speaking you've done...
Fox News is reporting that Transformers star Shia La Beouf offered up to Playboy: "the sexiest woman I know is my mother."
Fox News is reporting that Transformers star Shia La Beouf offered up to Playboy: "the sexiest woman I know is my mother."

Let's be clear about this. The women in Shia's life include Transformer co-star Megan Fox, both images at left, and model Isabel Lucas, at right. Okay. We can move on.
Really, Shia? You mean, like, your mom is such a wonderful woman and the essence of motherhood is really the most beautiful thing you can imagine?
"If I could meet my mother and marry her, I would. I would be with my mother now, if she weren't my mother."
Okay. That doesn't really answer my question. We could still go either way on this. Can you say something that falls decidedly in the Not Weird column?
"I grew up with a bunch of hippies... That was strange for me, and it was really bizarre when my friends were there. You've got your little buds over, and Mom's, like, playing naked connect the dots or whatever."
Um. Okay. I think we're done here.
Shia La Beouf cautioned per section B-1 for sharing way more than meets the eye.
Okay. That doesn't really answer my question. We could still go either way on this. Can you say something that falls decidedly in the Not Weird column?
"I grew up with a bunch of hippies... That was strange for me, and it was really bizarre when my friends were there. You've got your little buds over, and Mom's, like, playing naked connect the dots or whatever."
Um. Okay. I think we're done here.
Shia La Beouf cautioned per section B-1 for sharing way more than meets the eye.